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Begin by requiring the module.

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Rapscallion = require(ReplicatedStorage.Packages.Rapscallion)

Rapscallion uses an object-oriented programming format to allow for multiple instances with different configurations. Call the constructor to create a new instance:

local rapscallion =

If a non-default configuration is desired, pass through the config dictionary as an argument:

local config = {
separator = "/";

local rapscallion =

If a configuration is missing from the provided dictionary, the default will be used instead.

In typical use, no special configuration is required, so the constructor can be called on the same line as the require to reduce clutter:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Rapscallion = require(ReplicatedStorage.Packages.Rapscallion).new()


Routes are strings containing the location of the desired instance, with each segment divided by a separator (a period by default):

local route = "PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame.TextButton"

All functions receive a combination of a starting point instance and a route.

Getting a Route​

The getRoute function is ideal for checking if a route exists. If so, the instance at the end of the route will be returned. Otherwise, nil will be returned.

local function onTouch(hit)
local description = Rapscallion:getRoute(hit.Parent, "Humanoid.HumanoidDescription")
if description then
-- use description object

Waiting for a Route​

Waiting for an instance to exist is a common use case, particularly for UI code. The waitForRoute function will yield until either an instance comes into existence or the timeout is reached (if provided).

local textButton = Rapscallion:waitForRoute(game.Players.LocalPlayer, "PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame.TextButton", 5)

if textButton then
--handle textButton
error("textButton hasn't loaded in 5 seconds")

Building a Route​

The waitForRoute function has behavior identical to getRoute, except when it encounters a nonexistent route segment, it will create the segment and continue as normal.

local textButton = Rapscallion:waitForRoute(game.Players.LocalPlayer, "PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame.TextButton", 5)

if textButton then
--handle textButton
error("textButton hasn't loaded in 5 seconds")