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Development Setup

This project requires a couple of command line tools to convert the source into a Roblox place.


  • You must have Foreman to install the toolchain. This guide shows how to set up Foreman.

Installing Toolchain

In the root of the project, run the following foreman command to install the toolchain:

foreman install

All of the tools listed in foreman.toml will now be installed and usable.

Installing Packages


The latest version of Wally has a bug that breaks this project. A fix is already in for this but not yet released. In the meantime, a custom build with this patch is located in the root of the project. Until the fixed version of Wally is released, use this build by substituting the beginning of any command that starts with wally with ./wally.exe.

This project depends on many libraries made available as Wally packages. To install the dependencies, run the following command:

wally install

Installing Rojo

Rojo is the bridge between the Lua files and Roblox Studio. The Rojo server, which was installed by foreman, sends data to the Rojo Studio plugin. To install the Studio plugin, use the following command:

rojo plugin install

Syncing Files to Studio

To start up the Rojo server, run the following command:

rojo serve

In Studio, open the Rojo plugin menu and connect. The scripts will be synced from the filesystem into the open Studio instance.